Dear Listeners,
Despite some delays in getting my episodes out in February, here we are at the start of a new month, with fresh energy moving. I usually like to do an end-of-the-month recap but even by March 1 (when I recorded this episode) it seemed that February was long gone. And thank goodness for that! I am coming at you from Mazunte, Mexico where I have escaped the worst of New York winter and am now taking refuge in this small beach town. As I open to this new place, and allow this place to open to me, I am with a sudden and obvious realization that “letting go” requires relaxation. And no, I don’t mean relaxing by getting a sun tan on the beach (although that certainly can help), but more-so relaxing into the unknown. When we hold onto something (particularly our burdens), we embody a quality of tension in order to bear its weight. If there’s fear there will likely too be a feeling of tightening, closing, bracing, hypervigilance, and tension. It might seen counter-intuitive to hold onto the things that give us pain, but more often than not, what we fear more is what happens when we let go? Who am I now without this pain?
In this episode I explore the topic of letting go in depth:
creating space between you and your pain
letting go through relaxing
changing your perception through somatic awareness
fear of your emotions
going into the darkness
having fun is the point
May this Pisces and upcoming eclipse season give us the courage to relax into the unknown and release what is no longer ours to hold.
Thank you for being here. I release public episodes once a month and subscriber episodes approximately 1x per week. I hope you’ll consider becoming a paid subscriber (for $5 per month) to take a deeper dive with me. I’m excited to see where this all takes us 🙂
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